Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Swimming in Loch Ness.. Well Sort Of..

I had a remarkable experience exploring the Loch Ness nearby Drumnadrochit 14.3 miles southwest of Inverness. Approximately seven weeks ago, I first dipped my feet in the frigid waters of Loch Ness while on a three day Macbackpackers tour to Isle of Skye. We pulled over to see the Loch and Collin the Scottish tour guide challenged his passengers to go for a swim. “Who here is thinking about swimming in Loch Ness?” he asked. I boldly raised my hand and shouted out “Me,” from the back of the bus. I was the only one out of twenty seven passengers. Collin then tried to convince the others, “Think ahead in time to when you’re a grandparent. Your grandchildren are over for a visit and you pull out an old photo album to show them what life was like when you were young. As you flip through the album you stop at a photo of yourself swimming in a lake. ‘What’s that?’ they will ask. ‘This is me swimming in Loch Ness,’ you will reply. Their jaws will drop. ‘You mean where the Loch Ness Monster lives?’ Now imagine how impressed they will be. In fact they will be so impressed it will inspire them to achieve great things with their lives. They will study very hard in school, become doctors, astronauts or firefighters. So will their children and their children’s children. Generations of greatness and it will all be because of you. Now who wants to go for a swim in the Loch Ness?” Silence, snickers, one hand goes up from the back of the bus... mine.

The most fun I’ve had in Scotland has been from the moments when I would burst out of my shell, throw caution to the wind and do something daring or perhaps absolutely insane according to my spectators. It was very cold that day, grey skies hovered over the loch and even though I was bundled in a sweater, warm jacket, jeans and a scarf the wind had no problem keeping the exposed parts of my body chilly. I couldn’t imagine braving the cold in a bikini. Not to mention the only place to change was on the bus. Then there was the thought of sitting on a bus soaking wet afterwards. So instead I rolled my jeans up to my knees, took off my runners and strolled along merrily through Loch Ness. Well almost merrily, the rough rocks at the bottom made wading through the water a wee bit tricky. As my spectators gawked at me, I posed for the camera and the chill began to burn. I decided a few minutes was plenty enough for my frozen toes.

What attracts most to Loch Ness is not just the fact that it’s the first largest Loch in Scotland by volume (700 feet at its deepest). It’s those mysterious sightings of Nessie that gather a large crowd of tourists in hopes that will perhaps catch a glimpse themselves.

There have been many claims that Nessie has been spotted lurking in the Loch over the years. The earliest sighting of a creature happened in 565 AD by Saint Columbia, an important figure among Gaelic Irish missionary monks. One day Saint Columbia was addressing a group of Picts (a tribe that lived in the northern and eastern parts of Scotland) about Christianity. He came across a few Picts who were burying a man that had been murdered by a creature. Saint Columbia ordered one of his followers to retrieve the victim’s boat that had been abandoned on the other side of the river. As the servant bravely journeyed across the water, a creature surged out and attacked. Apparently Saint Columbia was able to scare the creature away by commanding, “You will go no further.” It has been recorded that this event occurred in River Ness, a gateway to the Loch.

A view of River Ness in the heart of Inverness

Then there are the photos, the old fashioned black and white photographs where a distorted shadow among the waters proves that Nessie must exist. This one is my favourite among them all...

Seriously? ( Source:http://www.loch-ness.org/ )

The latest “sighting” of Nessie was made on Google Earth a few months ago. Check out an article on the event here:

Visiting the Loch is great not just for the thrill of possibly that one might have a run in with the infamous Loch Ness Monster, but for the gorgeous view of the sparkling water and the miles of trees and green fields that surround it. There is much to do in Drumnadrochit – a town that thrives on the Loch Ness. There is the ‘Loch Ness Monster Centre and Exhibition Experience’ located beside the Drumnadrochit Hotel. The exhibition takes a look at the Loch’s natural history and explores the mysterious notion that a Loch Ness Monster could exist.

If you want to get a closer look at the Loch there are many boats that will take you around for a few hours. The admission price of these boat rides ranges from £18 to £35 a person. If you are staying in Inverness “Jacobites Boat Cruises” will take you from the Inverness bus station to their boat on the Caledonian Canal. It stops at the Urquhart Castle and includes a viewing station on the boat to keep an eye out for Nessie. There is also a company that runs a horseback riding tour “Highland Riding Centre” on Borlum Farm, which has a program for disabled riders as well.

If you have little time to spare, on a tight budget, love to walk and hate being surrounded by tourists, I recommend hiking along the Loch instead.

It was 11:00 am when I departed from the Inverness Bus Station and took the scenic bus route to Loch Ness. The plan was to explore Urquhart Castle and then find a trail to the Loch. Stepping out of the bus and overlooking the Castle from the roadside gave me major de ja vu. I remember arriving at the Castle on the Macbackpackers tour and wanting to photograph the Castle from a different angle then everyone else. So I hopped a wee fence and jumped onto the grass covered roof of the Castle's admission centre. It was not long before others followed and the attendants of the Castle caught on. Imagine an old Scotsman yelling at me, “Hey, get down from there! Your not allowed up there.”

As you may or may not have figured out by now, I’m a firm believer in refusing to pay for overpriced tourist attractions. However, there are many attractions in Scotland that are worth the cost for their historical significance and absolute beauty. Luckily, a very awesome Canadian I met in Castle Rock was kind enough to lend me her Historic Scotland Pass. This pass allowed me to get into many historical attractions around Scotland for free. There is also a 10% discount on cafeteria food and 20% off souvenirs. Valarie said she paid about £40.00 for an annual membership – a sweet deal if you know you’ll be visiting many attractions. They also offer an explorer pass if you are only traveling for a short amount of time ( check out www.historicscotland.gov.uk/ ) If it were not for this pass I have to admit I probably would have missed out.

Urquhart Castle is magnificent and it overlooks the beautiful waters of Loch Ness. The top floor of the Grant Tower is a great spot to keep a look-out for Nessie. Just be careful climbing the narrow stairway. I was stuck on the stairs heading down for five minutes because I couldn’t pass the traffic of people heading up.

After the Castle I decided to grab some food from the cafeteria, taking advantage of my 10% discount. Pre-made sandwiches that come in a triangle plastic packaging have become my first choice for lunches. They cost anywhere from £1.50 to £2.50 – sometimes you can get a real bargain at the grocery store that’ll include a bag of chips and Fanta (or whatever your beverage of choice might be). Hot rolls are also a nice cheap option in Britain – they come with sausage, bacon, cheese, ham, tuna mayo or egg on a bun. Either way I’ve found the sandwiches / wraps are a bit tiny in filling. So finding a decent take-away place that wasn’t skimpy on the “meat n’ lettuce” was always gold.

When I sat outside to enjoy my sandwich in the sun I realized I no longer had my water bottle on the side of my backpack. Panic set in. Had my water bottle fallen out my pack into the depths of Loch Ness? Of course it’s only a water bottle... it could’ve been worse... I could have been missing my camera. But this is an authentic Canadian Film Centre water bottle, it represents the many hours I spent on-set making coffee, organizing paperwork, standing around in serve winter conditions and lugging heavy film equipment. No way was I going to let Nessie eat it for lunch! So I frantically ran around Urquhart Castle retracing my steps. Every once in awhile I peaked over the massive castle walls into the Loch to see if I could spot my water bottle floating above the surface. It was a long drop into the Loch from the Castle, a plunge no water bottle could survive.

After searching every corner of the Castle, asking the souvenir shop, admissions, and the cafeteria lady several times... there was only one small hope left. I decided to wait for the bus I had arrived on to see if I had dropped the bottle while getting off.

Sure enough the bus pulled up, the door swung open and there was the bus driver holding my water bottle! After this incident I became severely paranoid about objects stored on the outside of my pack. It’s always a good idea to double check that you have everything before leaving the bus, airplane, taxi, hostel, restaurant or in my jacket’s case... one of the many pubs in Edinburgh.

Travel Tip: In the chaos of travelling from one place to the next you are bound to leave something behind eventually. If a valuable is irreplaceable leave it at home.

After a stressful run around the castle it was time for a peaceful walk to Loch Ness. The trail I found was on the internet and the directions were described word by word ( Check out: www.walkhighlands.co.uk/lochness/Urquhartwoods.shtml ) At the time I thought jotting down the directions in my notebook would be enough – however in hindsight a map and some visuals would’ve been useful. I spoke to a few people who worked at the Castle for directions; one man drew me a tiny map on a napkin and told me to find the bridge outside of the castle. Another man said I had to walk along the roadside for a few minutes until I reached the bridge. Both men gave me an estimate of ten minutes to find the trail.

In the UK locals tend to give directions in distance, “It’s about 2 miles down the road.” Therefore when calculating the average time it takes to get to place, the estimate is never accurate. Ten minutes = Twenty minutes and one hour = two. This is a theory that was proved correct time and time again. I walked down the road for an hour, admiring the long stretching fields full of sheep, stables containing beautiful horses, and passing by a few other hikers. I finally arrived in the edge of Drumnadrochit where I stopped by a gas station for further directions... after that I had to stop once more for further directions... and once more again for even more directions.

When I finally found the trail I referred to the internet’s directions. I found them a bit confusing given when I jotted them down I was in a rush to catch the bus on-time. I had no choice but to rely on my instincts and guess the right directions. As someone who is directionally challenged my instincts are 99.9% of the time wrong... which means 99.9% of the time I end up lost.

So my friends and fellow hikers here is my version of the directions to find the trail that runs between Enrich River and Coiltie River to a secluded shore overlooking Loch Ness.

Adventure Trail Leading to a Tourist Free Shore of Loch Ness:
Starting Point: Urquhart Castle on the roadside.

1) Face the road with your back to the castle.

2) Turn right – follow the roadside until you reach a gate. Walk down the path through a field until you reach a house. Path ends. Head back onto the road (unless you want to hike downhill through acres of farmland). Don’t forget to: Stop and admire the view overlooking Loch Ness. Gawk at many sheep eating grass.

3) Keep walking along the road – it will seem like ages but believe me you will get there eventually. You will pass by a camp site on your right hand side and a ranch on your left.

4) You will reach a gas station on the left hand side of the road. This is a marker for the first turn. From the gas station follow the right hand side of the road. At the first street on your right - turn right. You will see a Church on your left hand side. Continue down the road and you will pass a graveyard on your right.

New Kilmore Cementary
5) Continue until you reach the end of the road. Make a right – passing by a construction site on the left and a small forest on the other side.

6) On the left hand side you will reach a hotel called “Ben Leva.”

7) Double check these directions by popping your head into the “Ben Leva” pub where you will be greeted by Scotsmen and woman watching football. Really, it’s just a good excuse to stop for a pre-trail pint.

Ben Leva Hotel

8) Keep walking you will reach a coy residential area; white picket fences, child riding on their bicycles, fathers mowing the lawn and all.

9) On the left hand side you will encounter another ole cemetery surrounded by a stone fence, and morbidly obese cows.

10) Pass the cemetery and you will see a gate that states something along the lines of “This is not a direct trail to the Loch Ness.” Ignore the sign and carry on. You have officially reached the start of the trail.

11) Make sure you study the sign / map at the beginning of the path. I recommend taking a photo if you have a digital camera that way you can always refer back to it if you get lost.

12) Head down the path until you reach the first junction. Take the path on the right hand side that leads you directly into the forest. As I ventured into the forest I spotted a baby deer frolicking away.

13) The trail is a very peaceful walk as you follow the path through the forest along the river. You will encounter little gaps where you can venture off path to take a closer look at the water. Keep an eye out for birds as they fly overhead and colourful mushrooms on the ground. Beware of piles of poop along the path. Stick to the path to your left at all times.

14) Enjoy the leisurely part of the trail while you can as adventure lurks just around the corner...

That’s when it happened. Out of nowhere a Frenchman with a long, black umbrella, top hat and moustache appeared out the bushes whistling Frere Jacques. Alright so maybe the top hat, moustache and whistling was all in my imagination. What's key is his umbrella in this story. It turns out the Frenchman's name is Gael and he was just as lost as I was among the trail. Gael said that he had made it just a bit further up the path. He decided to turn around when he discovered that he would have to cross a river. I was little help to him. My directions told me that I would encounter a dry river with a bridge to cross (in hindsight I had misread this information). We decided to scope out the situation together.

This river was no joke. It was about ten feet wide with a few tree branches laid across but nothing sturdy enough to step on without falling in. The pebbles at the bottom made for an unsteady crossing and the water reached up to our calves. Already convinced that we should kick off our shoes and attempt to cross, Gael was not very enthusiastic. He wanted to turn around to find the other trail. That is when we heard the voices of a male and female walking through the path on the other side. “How’d you get over there?” we asked. “Crossed the river, it’s easy,” they responded. Gael was concerned about his camera and mobile getting wet. I offered to stuff his belongings safely in my backpack, wrapped in my waterproof jacket.

I took my time crossing, as the hundreds of pebbles beneath my feet did not make balancing easy. Success! We crossed the river and introduced ourselves to the young English couple who had waited for us on the other side. They mentioned that there was smaller stream to cross ahead. We decided to refer to the map Gael had taken with his digital camera. After studying it for a few minutes we concluded that we had all taken the wrong path. It turns out we were on the right path, it just involved more adventure then we had bargained for.

Once again, I was up for the challenge!

We had made it to the mouth of the river that meets the glimmering Loch. When I set off for the Loch, I knew that I wanted to go for a dip so I packed my swim trunks and towel. Last time I had let a little cold weather and the intimation of jumping in on my own scare me off. This time I wasn’t going to let anything stop me. We ended up crossing two more streams to reach the shore of the Loch Ness.

According to the directions from ‘Walking in the Highlands,’ there was once a bridge over the Coiltie River that was destroyed by a flood in August 2007. The website cautions, “Only after a long dry spell will it be possible to cross the river and complete the walk. If a crossing is possible, which should only be attempted if it is safe to do so, turn left on a fainter path.”

Boys can be so chicken. In fact sometimes I think women have much more sense in these situations than men. When crossing the water the English girl and I had no problem taking off our shoes and getting our feet wet. The boys on the other hand decided to take whatever route possible; no matter how more risky and dangerous it seemed to avoid getting a little wet. This included crawling along branches, and jumping across rocks with the aid of Gael’s long, black umbrella.

Gael retrieving his umbrella that had fallen in while
he was crossing the branch.

We made it to the Loch alive and we were greeted by a very unusual creature. Out the Loch emerged a rather friendly duck covered in black and white feathers, masked with a red face. The duck miraculously waddled right up to us with a sly look on its face. We tried to reach out and touch our new friend, but it would never let us get close enough.

The view from the shore was amazing and I couldn’t wait to change into my swim trunks and take a dip. Once again, I was the only one bold (or crazy) enough to go in.

After saying good-bye to Nessie’s laddie we decided to head back to Drumnadrochit for well-deserved pint and burger at the pub. It was 7:00 pm when I arrived back at the hostel in Inverness. I was exhausted from the eventful day, but had an entire day of hiking in Glen Affric to plan. Sleep is for the weak...

Stay tuned for more adventures hiking and backpacking around Scotland.

Could it be? Nessie?!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Two Months Living in Edinburgh. Reasons I've Been Slacking.

Dear fellow explorers, friends and family,

I've been slacking. I get it. But I have a valid excuse and it's simply this - I've been living the last two months in Edinburgh, Scotland. If you don't think that's a invalid reason to forget about a blog, I present you with the following case:

I left London after a four day introduction to the UK and headed North to Scotland. The four hour train ride passed quickly by the views of green countryside and Ocean shore. Sitting across from me was a British woman in her sixties and her fourteen year old granddaughter. The grandmother had grown up in Edinburgh, since she moved away was returning for the first time in 30 years. An American sat a few rows away, holding a loud conversation on his cell phone revealing to his hotel that he had left his government passport in his room. He was frantically requesting that they check the mattress beneath his bed. When they found it he asked them to mail it to him by express post, he then carelessly announced his credit card details to the passengers around him.

Common sense travel tip # 1: If you hide your passport beneath your mattress at a hotel -remember where you hid it and double check that you have it before you get on a train to another country.

Common sense travel tip # 2: When on a train full of other travelers do not announce your credit card information loudly so that everyone can hear. Find a quiet place (i.e., the toilet or luggage compartment) and gently whisper the information into your cell phone.

When I arrived in Edinburgh I was greeted by a friendly cab driver named Kenny. At first I thought Kenny was very rude. After climbing the uphill ramp of Waverley train station with my heavy luggage I was offered no help to hull it into his cab. He then revealed that he had a very bad knee that needed surgery. Kenny greeted me with a warm welcome, he even busted out some dance moves proving that the Scottish have an awesome sense of humour.

We arrived at Castle Rock Hostel and I remember being wowed by the Edinburgh Castle across the street. I checked in, lugged my stuff up the stairwell and passed out in my bunk bed labelled “Mr. Chatterbox” in the “Mr. Men” room. Castle Rock advertises its self as the number one hostel in Scotland and boy is this statement true. Three floors, 288 beds, a large self-catering kitchen, a patio with a BBQ, an internet room, three lounges... one for hanging out, “The Posh Lounge” for a bit of peace and quiet, and the newly added “Groove Lounge” for record playing and sing-a-longs. The staff are super friendly, every inch of the place is clean daily and the environment is very social. It’s no wonder I ended up staying for two months.

In a nut shell finding a job was hectic, making new friends was fantastic, I was homesick everyday for the first month and the only privacy I had was in the shower or toilet. There were many nights I spent drunk but learning the history of Scotland made up for all the brain cells that I must’ve killed. Some nights were spent walking through haunted graveyards; others were spent chatting with my Castle Rock amigos. I climbed Arthurs’ Seat once, Carlton Hill twice, went through two jobs in just two months – serving at a bistro and handing out flyers for comedians at the Fringe Festival. I danced like mad in the pubs and clubs, drank whisky mixed with beer mixed with cinder mixed with tequila mixed with sangria. I went to the movie theatre to see Harry Potter on opening night, waved at Prince Charles as he passed by at the Highland Games. I spent all my earnings on Fringe Festival shows seeing Sam Simmons, Sound of Fury, The Teak Show, Lilly Through the Dark, Porn the Musical, Jane Austin’s Pornography, Woody Sez, Dead Cat Bounce.. Wired and my favourite Die Ruten Punk’d! I dressed up as Syphilis during the “favourite disease” party; skate boarded down hallways and lost my warm jacket from Canada pub hopping throughout Edinburgh. I tripped on the cobble stone streets, went for runs along the Meadows in an attempt to work off all the booze... which reminds I once cycled to a Kung Fu class on the other side of town causing massive total body pain the next day. I discovered the peace and quiet of Edinburgh at Cramond Beach and The Royal Botanical Gardens. I overheard the festivities of the Military Tattoo every single night in August, went to the Writer’s Museum, the Underground... a three day Macbackpackers tour to Isle of Skye. Folk music and castles, dipping my feet in Loch Ness, rain, wind, rain and more rain... and luckily a wee bit of sun.

Edinburgh is a great city with something for everyone at all times. The cobble stone streets are crowded with pubs and much the city’s history and old architecture has been persevered. It’s a town booming with University students and tourists. My only complaint would be the uphill walking. On the flip side, my legs are in the best shape of their lives thanks to those endless steps to each destination.

Fast forward to: Saturday August 29th, 2009 – It was the end of Fringe in Edinburgh. The streets were booming with tourists, promoters for shows, buskers, and a big buzz. I was handing out flyers during the day and going to shows at night. I wanted to see more of Scotland and decided to embark on a two week adventure. In July I went on a 3-day Macbackpacker tour to Isle of Skye (highly recommended) where I was able to explore a bit of the country. We spent our days travelling on a coach bus, checking out Scotland’s beautiful scenery and historical sites. Our guide Collin grew-up in Scotland and had many stories to tell. Normally I’m not a fan of tours but this is definitely one worth experiencing.

This time I wanted to do my own thing at my own pace. So I packed my backpack, bought a pair of waterproof hiking boots and took off to Inverness on the East coast of Scotland.

So the journey begins... again.

Part One: Nessie and I - a look into my day trip to the infamous Loch Ness.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day Two: Exploring London with a friend

Bet you'll never guess what this is...
Alarm set for: 8:00 am
Wake-up time: 8:30 am

They have a breakfast of champions at St. Christopher’s Village: toast with orange marmalade, cereal such as square wheat things, corn flakes, watered down juice, tea and instant coffee... but hey it’s free. So if you’re on a budget like me you’ll wake up before 10:30 am and stock up on corn flakes.

It wasn’t until 11 am that my tour guide Jeremey, a fellow Canadian living just outside of London, showed up in front of my hostel with a curled moustache and a City of London guidebook, marked with sights to see. I was planning on exploring London entirely on my own, so when my dad emailed me Jeremey’s contact details I hesitated... did I really want to spend the day with someone I’ve never met? But Jeremey was nice enough to come along for the adventure, we got along smashingly, and I would not have had such great time alone (even if he had to refer to the guidebook every ten seconds... kidding Jeremey!)

Tip for solo travellers: Do some exploring on your own, but don’t forget to make an effort to meet new people. They make great travel buddies and may show you something you wouldn't have thought to explore on your own.

We decided to go on our own walking tour with recommendations from the guidebook and Jeremey’s superiour knowledge of the city. Our starting point was Southwark Cathedral located on the southern bank of River Thames. We entered Shakespeare’s Globe curious to see how much we could see without paying for a tour... not much. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and ‘As You Like It’ were the performances playing at the time. I really wanted to see ‘Romeo and Juliet’ but it was sold out for the week. Jeremey and I were surprised because there are 700 standing seats (£ 5 each) per performance. That’s a lot of sold out tickets!

First pint of the day: Noon at the Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese (re-built in 1667) we stumbled upon it by accident. I was drawn to the dark alleyway, round medieval sign and the word Cheese in the name. Its a dingy yet cozy bar with just a few drunks getting an early start to the day. Samuel Smith's Old Brewery Bitter (English Ale 4.0% abv) is the BEST pint I’ve ever had. It was smooth, delicious, and went down like a vanilla sundae.

We started to hit up the major attractions heading across the Millennium Bridge to St. Paul’s Cathedral which was re-built in 1080, after the London fire and fact number two: it sits on the highest point in London (which is not very high at all). We stepped in for a gander but again, refused to pay admission. We only got a few feet into the main entrance, although we were tempted to just hop over the guard rail while no one was looking.

Bridge crossing is a popular sport in London, there are about seven that cross over the River Thames. So we crossed another one back to the South side. I recommend crossing bridges often, the views are amazing and zig-zagging about will give you lots of exercise.

Be bold and hop on the London Eye for £13.00 to see spectacular views of the city including Windsor Castle from the top on a crystal clear day. However, if you’re on a budget like me you will settle for the views of London on the ground. The London Eye kept popping up at different points in the city, from every angle the view of the structure is incredible. At times I could see more than one historical structure towering over the urban jungle of trees and buildings.

Tip: Don’t forget to take in the view in front of you but every once in awhile look back. The view could be even better.

There were a number of entertaining buskers near the London Eye. My favourite was Captain Jack Sparrow who thought I was taking a photo and posed for me for a good ten seconds. Then there was the cat man whose head was stuck in a cage dancing to some techno. Check out the videos below.

Across Westminster Bridge, we stopped to admire the towering Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. Jeremey then went on a rant about the politicians robbing tax payers to build absolute musts such as a private moat within the parliament and fulfulling their sweet tooth by writing off Kit Kat bars. To learn more about such rip offs check out Jeremey’s rant below.

Behind the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abby, a gem that is worth gawking over inside and out (of course for £15.00 I chose out). The Abby has been the coronation church since 1066, and 38 coronations have taken place within. Many famous people have been buried in the Abby such as Robert Burns, Charles Darwin, William Shakespeare, some of the Royal family including Mary Eleanor Bowes... that’s right a Bowes! (http://www.westminster-abbey.org/our-history/people/mary-eleanor-bowes) For me the Abby is best known as the place of Princess Diana’s wedding and funeral. I remember sadly watching the funeral service on the tele when I was 10 years old. As I walked down the streets surrounding the Abby, I tried to imagine the thousands of people that lined up to commemorate Princess Diana’s life.

Next stop Buckingham Palace, where you can witness the changing of the guards if you’re willing to line up well before 11:30 am to get a decent view. If I had more time in London (and didn’t spend my mornings trying to cure my hangovers) I probably would’ve tried to attend the spectacle. Instead I had my photo taken with a policeman, equally amusing to all tourists who visit London.

We skipped along merrily through St. James Green Park.

Jeremey rant # 2: took place in St. James’s Green Park gawking at ducks in the pond (see video below).

After duck gawking we marched along Picadilly Circus, home of window shopping for the rags and designer central for riches (I’m surprised I didn’t run into my good ole friend Barb while I was there).

Leister Square is officially my favourite place in London. The square is surrounded by little shops for tourists, restaurants / pubs such as Wetherspoons, which we stopped at for a wee pint (or two) and dinner. cinemas, galleries (The Portrait Gallery is another favourite), half price theatre tickets at the TKTS booth and more. Not to mention the piano in the middle of the square that proclaims ‘Play me’ (a project I will tell you all about next blog entry).

J D Wetherspoons is a popular and affordable restaurant / pub in the UK with 732 locations to choose from (http://www.jdwetherspoon.co.uk/pubs) and in some locations a pint will only cost you one pound! The food is fantastic for a pub meal. I decided to order good ole fish and chips, while Jeremey decided to be bold and chow down the Chicken Vindaloo, which according to the menu is their hottest curry ever – can you handle it? Watch the video below to witness Jeremey and his tongue of steel tackle the fiery dish.

After approximately 5 hours of walking, 2 hours of pub sitting and 3 pints later we reached our final destination, Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square. The statue stands on a column that is 151 feet tall, I struggled to climb just the base meanwhile Jeremey climbed it no problem (flashback to: grade six gym class – a weak little Ashley struggles to make it more than two feet up the rope). It turns out a few gents have actually climbed to the top of the column successfully. Johnny Dawes is a famous British climber who joined forces with Noel Craine, Jerry Moffat and Simon Nadin in 1995 to free climb Nelson’s column. It was a protest on behalf of Survival International to recognize the struggle of Canadian Inuit people.

We took an elaborate short cut back to St. Christopher’s Village, completing the loop around the River Thames. My feet ached and my thirst for more ale was growing, making it an amazing day! Walking around London can be tiring but I highly recommend it if you’re the same as me. You love to be spontaneous, go at your own pace and take many photos without ten other people standing beside you, taking the exact same photo (but its London so that happens anyway). I said my good-byes to the best tour guide in town and after a crazy day, I was ready for a crazy night. Which my friends I will tell you all about next blog entry (gotta keep you in suspense somehow...)

Outline of the route we took around the River Thames

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for my last two days in London and don’t forget to check out the photos and videos below.

Much love from London,
